Muqammal Lyrics – Ikko Mikke

Satinder Sartaaj’s Muqammal Lyrics from the movie Ikko Mikke. The song was sung and written by Satinder Sartaaj. Music was provided by Beat Minister. The Music Label is Saga Music.

Muqammal Lyrics – Ikko Mikke

Muqammal Song Details:

  • Song: Muqammal
  • Movie: Ikko Mikke
  • Singer: Satinder Sartaaj
  • Lyrics: Satinder Sartaaj
  • Music: Beat Minister
  • Music Label: Saga Music

Muqammal Lyrics – Ikko Mikke

Muqammal kadi na mere kol aaya
Hmesha reha thoda thoda paraya

Muqammal kadi na mere kol aaya
Hmesha reha thoda thoda paraya
Ve devega dass ki ve othe safaiyan
Khuda nu jadon tera kissa sunaya
Muqammal kadi na mere kol aaya

Assa nu tu dil ch bhulawega kidda
Fareban di hatti chalawega kidda
Jadon aayi tanhaiyan wich yaad kidre
Ohdo sanu dass ve bulawega kidda

Koi bahro langeya main ahat pechani
Bhua khol takeya hawa si nimani

Koi bahro langeya main ahat pechani
Bhua khol takeya hawa si nimani
Ehh har vede har paase tainu hi vekhe
Meri reejh bhaidi ae khasma nu khani

Sohal pair yaadan de thak jange ve
Oye tere sunehe kadon aange ve
Main aasa de vede ch kangani khilari
Ke chavan de gole kadon khange ve

Muqammal kadi na mere kol aaya

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